KATHRYN RANTALA The Plant Waterer and other things in common (Ravenna Press, Washington, 2006) JONAH RASKIN BONE LOVE (chap, Alexander Book Company, San Francisco, 2004) ROCHELLE RATNER BALANCING ACTS (Marsh Hawk Press, 2006) ...
Kathryn Rantala, Editor Edmonds, Washington The Anemone Sidecar. Appearance Link (.pdf): Fence-Side. The Houston Literary Review Poems: In the Poetry Festival Out A Referable Account. May 2009. Joseph Trombatore, Editor Houston, Texas ...
Stout-hearted Finns: "Nurmoo" stars Karri Liikkanen and Hannu bRantala/b. (Barbara Scharres). ?. A quick trip to Monoprix to buy new batteries for my camera took me past the best place in town to buy inexpensive gifts with authentic Cannes ...